
By default, TRAFOLO sets up a circuit, connecting windings to their respective sources and ground. You can further enhance the setup by adding linear elements (L-R-C), configuring loads as impedances, solving resonant LLC converters, or establishing delta, parallel, or series connections between windings.

The functionality depends on defining connections between components using circuit netlists. Although the specific index values don’t matter, connected components must share the same node indexes. Index 0 is reserved for ground, which is also connected to the sources. The netlist is then transformed into a system of equations (sparse matrix) using Kirchhoff’s circuit laws.

Electronic circuits for connecting FEM components with sources and L, R, and C components

Electronic circuits for connecting FEM components with sources and L, R, and C components

IMPORTANT: This is not a traditional SPICE simulator, so you must account for additional numerical errors and potential challenges when connecting FEM components to circuits. For example, large resistors should be added between sources and ground in a delta connection to avoid an over-constrained system and help the solver find a solution that satisfies current conservation.

The primary winding is connected in a delta configuration, while the secondary winding is connected in a star configuration with the neutral grounded.

The primary winding is connected in a delta configuration, while the secondary winding is connected in a star configuration with the neutral grounded.

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