
This step merges all parts into a single, unified geometry. The unified geometry will be cut by the air domain and, where applicable, the symmetry plane.

Before Assembly

You will see all active geometries added to your model in the preview window.

Under the Air Domain window, the software suggests a domain size, which you can modify and rebuild by clicking Apply. If the problem is symmetric, the air geometry is limited by z=0, cutting the component so only half of the problem is solved.

To assemble the geometry, click the Assemble Geometry button in the bottom right corner.

Air domain size setup and pre-assembly window

Air domain size setup and pre-assembly window

After Assembly

In this step, the algorithm assigns types, default materials, and names to component parts and faces within the geometry.

IMPORTANT: If any two geometries overlap, the assembly will fail. Details about the specific issue will be displayed in the Console, which can be opened by clicking the symbol in the bottom left corner.

Completed assembly geometry for simulation

Completed assembly geometry for simulation

Type – Assigns the appropriate part types to the components. After assembling the geometry, verify that the correct types were assigned and adjust the default materials, as different component types can use different methods to handle losses and magnetic fields.

IMPORTANT: One common challenge for the algorithm is recognizing gaps in imported geometries. Ensure that core and gap types are accurately assigned to avoid miscalculations.

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